T & T Start Zone Entrance Booklet NIV (10)


SKU: 34156 Category:


Sales Unit: pack of 16
Pages: 16
Material Type: Softcover
Dimensions: 5⅜” x 8⅜”

All children complete Start Zone before entering T&T handbooks. The updated, simple-to-navigate format introduces the gospel and basic Bible concepts.

T&T Start Zone Entrance Handbook is designed for children starting in the newest T&T programs. The first section walks them through the gospel and the second section gives an overview of basic Bible information. Each section contains questions to answer and verse memory. All T&T kids are required to complete Start Zone, regardless of previous T&T experience, before entering a new handbook each ministry year.

Additional information

Weight 0.300 kg
Dimensions 24.5 × 17.0 × 1.2 cm